Saturday, June 14, 2008

Homework Session 5

We plan to held an intensive courses for 10 elementary schools in Indonesia. We'll guide and train them to be young agent of environmental care. We'll tarin them about how important care with environment, and why young people like them should get involved in this action. We'll held an intensive course, approximately about 3 months. We'll guide them to plant a plantatation around their schools and homes, and also guide them to speak out with people around them. We'll make a publication in several mass medias in our country. And finally, they will be great agents who can speak UP to societies

Give A Chance For Young People To Shake The World

Additional Oppinions about Homework Session 4 "New Ideas Moving Forward"

In struggle history of Indonesia, young men always occupy very strategic role from each important event that happened. Even can be said that young man become backbone of perfection of struggle fight against colonization of foreign nation at the time. The role also remain to be girded by young man of Indonesia up to now. Besides as independent supervisor toward everything which made by government policy, young man of Indonesia also actively criticize, till change governance, if the governance no longger side to society.
After Governance of New Order led by Soeharto fall down, responsibility and role young man of Indonesia much more complex. Because democracy transition become one of the important agenda to be guarded. As state which is being experience switchover of state of otoriter-militeristik to state embracing democracy system, Indonesia very gristle with conflict.
As long as discussion of mentioned me, as downright as I don’t so understand about young man definition etimological or terminologi. I don’t understand, what is told that young man one who have age under 20 year, 30 year, or 40 year. What I know, I try to make a meaing of young man, is one who still have dream to create changeover, and him have perfervid liver to make it comes true. For me, that's the truly young man’s soul.
Out of young man criteria which I have explained. I try to assume that any student of Indonesia, and Sumatra West specially is young man faction. I dare to say that thing, because I’m really sure and trust, that young men of ranah minang have big vision to give fresh wind to national leadership. Otherwise, will not born a nation father, Mohammad Hatta, or other figures. Emerge a question, how to born new Hatta? here appear role of us as a student. How we try to pile up knowlede as much as possible nowadays, and aplicate it in future.
Benedict Anderson, an Indonesianist explain that the history of Indonesia Indonesian history is its young man history. That Ben Anderson's statement isn't wrong if related to long history of Indonesian nation, where young man become actor from every step journey of Indonesian nation. That Ben Anderson's statement isn't wrong if related to long history of Indonesian nation, where young man become especial actor from every important event that happened in Indonesia.
Soekarno, Indonesia father founding and first President of Republic Of Indonesia have submitted in one of his speech that he ready to shake world only with ten young man which their liver flame up. Nothing that have doubted of Soekarno as " mouthpiece" third world nations in the middle of cold war threat, and nothing that have doubted of its ability to shake the world with charisma and his leadership in uniting hundreds of tribes which exist in Indonesia. He has confidence to Indonesian rising generation as candidate leader of world.
However printing the rising generation owning perfervid liver and ready to shake world is not easy work. climate of Social and politic which isn't good to young man to act to be needed to leadership regeneration and system of edukation to the rising generation can walk on an ongoing basis. Leadership gegeneration of young clan in young man organization have to tread on fair-competition. Opportunity have to be passed to the rising generation owning and ability of kapabilitas and do not pursuant to seniority. For the matter of ability and also capability, I do not doubt of ability of young men of minang. Nature have made us train, nature teaches many matter to us. But The problem is, the limited opportunity and access make not all young man of Minang can show their capablity and their interest in national level
Beside that, reposition role of state in young man organization's life will support or even destroy organizational living space. During more than 30 year, state control organizational life of young clan before the fall of President of Suharto of its power chair. Ideally, Organization young man reside in neutral corridor to all importance of political groups and governance. It will influence toward development of constructive and critical attitude to State and governance.
In my opinion, election of young man organizational ideology is better freed by initiation and state by young man organizations. State needn't interference in internal business of young man organization, so that life condition of young man organization become more dynamic. However there is side effects which must avoid as possible, namely organizational ideology as a life style. In Indonesia, many kinds of idoelogi embraced by hundreds of young man organization, side effects as a life style also appear. There is young man organization using Islam as ideology but has pattern of military, or organization young man of nationalist which has pattern military.
The stressing point of set freeing of ideology election by that organization is to make they ready when they faced with world challenge directly in this time. Here role of young man have to be optimal to be able to face with various world ideology and develop young man network wing to can decide the next step of young man organization
Strong and heroic of young man's ability in face of global challenge as ready as have to come from circle young man of itself. Forming of young man which their liver flame up as Sukarno's hope for shake the world cannot be borned without awareness and initiative of young man them self to make he become strong.
In world economic system in this time, go forward nations which only amounting to twenty % enjoy eighty % of natural resources exist in this world and the rest fought over by eighty % of impecunious nations and expand. global World challenge in this time become heavier, especially related to the condition of security in general.
Challenges like this have responed by young clan in world cleft to prepare them self as part of growth of global world. When young men of Minang have been given space to show its interest, it's impossible if young man of ranah minang will jiggle and shake the world by the name of Indonesian nation.

Homework Session 3 "Project Planning"

Introduction of Project Planning

The title of this project is InPort which means Indonesia and Portugal Collaborative project. This project emphasize how young people from both countries got involved in facing current issues and building intercultural dialogue. So that, both teams could increase their understanding in many aspects such as culture, ideas, and so forth.. This project involved the students from elementary school (10-12 years old), junior high school (12-14), and also senior high school (15-17). At least there are more than 2000 students participated in this project in Portugal and Indonesia

The projct consist of 4 big parts:

1. Cultural Exchange between Indonesia and Portugal
2. Disaster Prevention
3. Recycling and Cleaning Through Spirit of Change From Rubbish
4. Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) Courses

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why Youth Should Care

It's one of the oppinion from Commitee of Indonesian Critical Children Community about
"Why Youth Should Care on Environment" and "Why Youth Should Care on HIV AIDS problem"

Homework Session 6

Create a 2-5 minute video interview of an elder in your community and/or about your organization, project, cause, etc. Publicize it on YouTube and embed your video in the e-GLO Blog as a new entry. View and comment on others’ videos.

About Indonesian Critical Children Community
one of the project that we have done

New Ideas for Moving Forward

Ideas is like a an inspiration. It can comes suddenly. Ideas is really expensive. And each person has different ideas. Ideas often comes on pressure time. When the pressures forced us to do something, our mind will try to find the solution, and Ideas born.

In making a movement in our life. We really need ideas. Ideas to make a changeover in our life. Ideas needed to step more from the bad things to good things, or move to a better place. Do you have any ideas?

Yang Punya Blog

  • I'm Iman
  • From Padang, Indonesia
  • Aku adalah seorang Iman. Seorang anak SMA di Padang, yang menyukai kegilaan. Tapi amat serius jika sedang menekuni sesuatu. Banyak hal yang membuat aku tertawa dan menangis. Dan dalam hidupku, aku menemukan keduanya.
  • Lebih Jauh Tentang Aku
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